Tuesday, May 25, 2010

memory killing me x♥x♥

hohoho,,lets me introduce my fwen,,ejum+k.jijah ni my housemate..dats y we all look so close.Both of them from SABAH bah,,hahah~~
Hurrmm,,(pejam celik)² dah 3years in Kelantan..Bg aku sume yg berlaku kat sini adalah kenangan.Either sweet or sour,,hehehe~~
25.5.2010 merupakan my last day in kelantan.After diz i will back to jb..
I hope we will meet again.."I HOPE DEAR"~~

Princess Day in my college '10:

On dat day i involve myself wif 2 competition :: 1)make-up

i got a 1st prize,,(congrate ainee,,)hik3,,,

:: 2)creativity for "hantaran perkahwinan"

no prize but enjoy,,gagaga~~

ladies and gentlemen of the class '06:

U will not understand the power and beauty of your youth (like me said before this)
until they've faded.But i believe,in 20 years,i will look back at photo of myself and
recall in a way dat i grasp now how much possibility lay before i and how fabulous i really looked,,hahaha~~
Don't be jealous yer,,

lololo,,look myself..stuborn student.Actually,majority from my class is prefect but
u know me,,dat time br j habis dari latihan netball dats y look dark j..